Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Body shaming and the impossible standard...

Just a quick rant... this society has turned into a very polarized, black and white one. For example, I just read an article about reactions to an advertisement asking "Are you beach body ready?" and featuring a picture of an attractive girl in a bikini... a model with just about zero body fat. It was an ad for a weight loss program of some kind. Reactions to it were quite amusing, as people reacted to the body shaming message. And I quite agree that holding women to an impossible standard of beauty is stupid and ridiculous. However, many people say "No matter your weight, you are fine. You are good the way you are." I like that message, but does it always apply? I've been working on losing weight myself, not because I am trying to look like Chris Pratt in Guardians of the Galaxy (OK, I would love to be that muscular and defined), but to improve my health. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. You don't have to be a supermodel. But if you are overweight and it's affecting your health, then you do need to do something about it. There are a lot of health problems with being overweight... and sometimes being overweight can be a sign of other health problems. So while I don't think every woman should look like a model, I also think every woman... and man... should try to attain a healthy weight. It's wrong to hold people up to ridiculous standards, but I also think it's wrong to say that some who is extremely overweight or obese shouldn't be looking to improve themselves. (I also think those who do look like "models" and maintain that look in a healthy way shouldn't be shamed either.) This world has so few black and white areas... the best way is usually in the middle somewhere. I wish more people would see that. </end rant>

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