Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Can you judge a candidate by their supporters?

In what has to be one of the most vicious Presidential campaigns in history (at least until 2020), I have seen a lot of complaints about the morals and quality of Clinton supporters.

It doesn't matter who you support, but think about this.. Lindsay Lohan is supporting Hillary Clinton... and somehow this is supposed to reflect badly on Clinton.  Ann Coulter just confused Beyoncé with Nicki Minaj... and the point being that Beyoncé (really Nicki) had some very sexually explicit lyrics.  And as Beyoncé is a Clinton supporter... shame on Clinton.

I say... so what?  None of these supporters that are being singled out are doing anything illegal.  You may or may not care for their form of entertainment, but that's a matter of taste, not law.  But the real point is... this country is filled with people who can vote that others might not like.  As long as they are a U.S. Citizen who holds the right to vote, they can be anything. And they are.

Here are some groups who might support either candidate and can vote in the election.

Porn stars.  Attorneys.  Strippers.  Employees of the IRS.  Hunters.  Ivy League School graduates. Tattoo artists.  Walmart employees.  Tailors.  Star Trek fans.  Dog breeders.  Car salespeople.  Ballet dancers.  Stand up comedians.  Wall Street Brokers. Firefighters.  People who sing karaoke.  Eagles fans.  Dallas Cowboy fans.  People who don't like sports.  People who work out everyday.  People who will work out... someday.  Tall people.  Short people.  Rappers.  Jazz singers.  Military personnel. Hippies. Psychics. Vegans.

These are just some of the groups... and you may admire some of these groups and hate others.  But everyone in this country has the right to vote and support whomever they like.

Do we really want to start blaming a candidate for their supporters?  Okay, then.

If we are going to say Hillary Clinton is morally bankrupt because Lindsay Lohan supports her... what does that say about Donald Trump, who is supported by Andrew Anglin, a well known Neo Nazi?  Or "Don Black, a former grand dragon of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and founder of the neo-Nazi site Stormfront; Rocky Suhayda, chair of the American Nazi Party; and Rachel Pendergraft, a national organizer for the Knights Party, the successor to David Duke's Knights of the Ku Klux Klan." (From How Trump Took Hate Groups Mainstream - The full story of his connection with far-right extremists by Sarah Posner and David Neiwert.)

No matter who is running for President, there are going to be supporters of that candidate that others don't like.

Trump supporters try to point at people they feel are "morally bankrupt" and support Hillary Clinton to show how "evil" she is.  Others say Clinton has the backing of Wall Street, which also makes her corrupt and evil. Brokers on Wall Street like to make money (which is so evil).  They back Clinton which may mean... that they feel her Presidency will be good for the economy so they can make money.  And a good economy means that others will make money too... by being employed, having money to spend, etc.  I'm not saying there aren't greedy, uncaring people who work on Wall Street.  Those are everywhere.  But if these guys make money when the country is in good shape financially and they support Clinton... think about it.

Which brings us to Donald Trump.  What does the endorsements of White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis, the Klu Klux Klan and other hate groups show about Trump?  If he is such a savvy businessman, why isn't he supported by financial analysts?

If you want to judge the candidates by their qualifications, experience and plans to deal with the issues we face as a nation, then good for you.  If you want to judge them by their supporters... well, go ahead.  I'll take twerking over hate crimes any day.

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