Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Ultimate Con... and it's against Donald Trump!

Normally I don't post about politics... but I had a realization that I just couldn't keep to myself.  And it's a doozy.

Check this out:

Many people in the U.S. are upset that Trump became our President.  But he still has supporters who think his "outsider" status will help him speak for the little guy.  But in this case, I think Trump has just entered an arena where he is the little guy.  And he may have been conned worse than anyone who voted for him.

Let's go back before the election.  The Democrats had Hillary.  The Republicans ended up with Donald Trump.  But when you think about it... would any of the other potential Republican candidates have been able to beat Hillary?  Even just with the Electoral Vote?  It's unlikely... Trump was able to motivate people who would have likely stayed home if any other Republican candidate came forward.  So at first Republicans were all about stopping Trump... until it became apparent they couldn't.  That's when I think a new plan was formed.

I believe Trump was used to gain the Presidency for the Republican Party.  Which he did.  But I don't think the Republicans intend for him to stay in that Office.

Look at what's been happening since Trump became President.  He has ranted about fraudulent voters.  His White House administration has sprung so many "leaks" that tell us how unqualified he is, how he prefers one or two page documents and how he gets his information from Fox and Friends.  How his own staff has to manage his moods.

Now there is a lot of talk about connections by his campaign to Russia.  Which sheds a lot of doubt on his entire administration.  Investigations are under way and it's looking more and more that either Trump was aware of Russia's help or oblivious to it... either one doesn't look good for him.

He has Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway out there as his spokespeople... and they don't seem to be the best people for the job.  Spicer has said some ridiculous things in defense of the President and Conway clearly violated ethics regulations... among other gaffes.

 It's a little over 2 months into his Presidency and he has the lowest approval ratings of any President at this point in their term.  People who voted for him are now regretting it.  Members of the Republican party invent lame excuses for him every day.  His appointments are called into question and he even already had one resign.

But even worse... he has signed executive orders that have been suspended by Federal Judges.  He accused President Obama of wire tapping his phones with no evidence. And the latest situation... he tried to force through a health care bill that failed... when his Party has both the Senate and the House.

Do you want to know why?  Because it's NOT his Party.   And here's why.

Here's what I think the Republicans had decided to do when it became clear the only way to get the White House was to have Trump win it for them.  Back his candidacy 100%. But now that he's done it... they will "regretfully" impeach him.  Or convince him to resign.  The Republican Party rides to the rescue and removes an unqualified President from the White House before he could do too much damage.  A large percentage of Americans would be so relieved.  Our heroes, the GOP!

You know who has been pretty quiet?  Who has been doing his best to seem statesmanlike and... compared to Trump... sane?  Mike Pence.  A man who would never have beaten Hillary Clinton in a race for President.  But who will become President if Trump leaves office.  Putting Paul Ryan as Vice President.

This is what the Republicans want.  After they remove Trump, they will state that his more dangerous policies were never what they wanted.  That Trump pressured them into it.  Even the Health Care Bill.  And at this point, if Trump claims he was manipulated into this situation or led into dangerous territory, few will believe him.  Because he has lost credibility with a number of his claims... the fraudulent voters, the inauguration crowd and the supposed wiretapping.  That is if Trump even tries to dispute them.... since it would mean admitting that the "Master Negotiator" was manipulated.

Then they are free to slowly put their own agenda in place.  In small, seemingly sane steps... at least compared to Trump.  And before you know it, they get everything they want.  Obamacare repealed and replaced with a "better" plan.  Tax cuts for corporations. Reduced "entitlements."  And they will have Donald Trump to thank for it... not that they'll tell him that.  He'll be kicked to the curb, disgraced as a failed President.

This is just a theory, but it fits with the facts.  Only Trump could beat Hillary.  Anyone else would have been just the same type of "business as usual" politician and would not have had the same theatrics that won Trump the Presidency.  But now that he has won for the Republicans what they could not win for themselves... his days are numbered.  Whether he is convinced to resign or gets impeached... the Republicans get the White House.

And all they need to do... is let Trump be Trump.

Insert maniacal villainous laughter here.

Food for thought.